The First Step is to find your item(s) of choice in the lists below, making a special note of the product # (s). Once you have located the item(s);
The Second Step is to click on the:
If ordering more than one of the same style item, use the Design Menus to define your first choice, then enter the rest of your Design Elements for ea. additional item, into the text box with the phrase, "Replace this text with design elements for each item"
After you've completed all of your design selections:
Before you finish, you may add any other comments into the text Box provided after the Ship To section.
You can print this page before you click "Submit" or after, when the confirmation page comes up. Then, you'll have a copy of your order for your records.
Finally, the Third Step is to click on the Submit button and your order is on it's way.
Then you're on your way with EASY 3 STEP ORDERING!
Ordering Your Battle Dress Hairpipe Jewelry